Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brad is wonderfull!

I must admit, Brad has been the most amazing husband during this journey. All the days I couldn't get off the couch (literally) he cleaned up, picked up, washed up...and kept asking me if I needed anything. Now that I'm feeling better, he's jumped right in on getting registered, and picking out cribs, and paint color. I tell you what it's amazing. These kiddos are the luckiest to have a father who is so concerned about them, and their mother. He wants nothing but health and happiness for our family! Love you baby!

1 comment:

  1. Tom and I agree with you that you have picked a man that is not only a wonderful husband. but will, also, be a great father. We think you will be a great mother, too. Lucky Kids! So glad you are feeling better. Love ya'll
